I'm enjoying a five minute break from late semester work, and I thought I would bring this article to Joeuser's attention for my own enjoyment--the way I enjoy smash-up derbies and World's Strongest Man contests. I mean, there's nothing better than watching one weirdo confront another weirdo, is there? Or even better, how can you not enjoy the commentary--a weirdo doing his best to rationalize how one weirdo is confronting another? Here's a little article I found: one reactionary "axis o...
Good morning, everyone! I thought I might offer a brief history of the origins for the left-wing manual so graciously provided by ModerateMan (provided in his article "How to be a Good Liberal"-- Link ), as I noticed that there were no cited references. I hope MM will permit me to tack this on, in the spirit of textual authenticity. Before we get to the specific references, I should say that the entire book was actually a memo from KRove to GB.2. and was lifted from GB.2's desk before h...
I do not condone attacks on civilians. I do not support any work of terror. I grew up in a Jewish family in the last throws of assimilation. I have experienced mild suggestions of anti-semetism all my life, but never truly suffered for my religion. There. That's my background. With that said, no one--especially other pro-Israel sympathizers like myself--should ever forget that Israel was created and defended by Jewish terrorists--the Irgun, for example (shorthand for Irgun Tsvai Leu...
People keep saying that the system has grown out of control. That's a lot of crappy-crap. I'll tell you why, too. The reason that the system hasn't grown out of control is because it was always out of control. Systems are action patterns that function on their own, with only exterior stimuli necessary to charge the process. The only reason a system fades gently into a goodnight is because it becomes outdated. If a system doesn't jive with a majority of people, then a new system replaces...
I do not live in Iraq. I've never been there, though I have spent time in the Middle East. I am not a soldier, and I do not patrol the streets of Baghdad, or fight to maintain safety while Iraqi citizens attempt to control the direction of a new government. But news reports and military maps seem to suggest an unfortunate reality. United States and the coalition of armed forces appear to occupy only a tiny section of the whole, while insurgents continue to struggle. I cannot attest to ...
What kind of arms do you bear? When you are not bearing your arms, where do you store them? In general, how often, would you say, do you bear your arms for the purpose intended by the Second Amendment to the Constituion of the United States of America? There is a right, as provided by the Second Amendment, to bear arms. Debates continue in and out of courtrooms as to how such a right should be protected, limited, and monitored. While discussions tend to polarize our citizens along p...
You silly, silly people. What have you done now? All of your focus on saving poor, defenseless American flags has blinded the educational system and warped your children's sense of values. They all believe that killing Iraqi civilians is freedom, while seeing a blurry, surgery-enhanced nipple is worse than. . ..No. It's so bad that there's nothing worse, anywhere. BEN FELLER, AP Education Writer reports that "more than one in three high school students said it [the First Amendment to...
Freedom and productivity. Let's agree that both are important concepts. Yes? I'm glad. Before we go on, though, hand-in-hand, skipping harmoniously through a field of daffodils, let's define these important concepts: Freedom: The state of being at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint; or the power to determine action without restraint. Productivity: The state of having power to generate, create, produce. Are we still braiding daisy chains for each ...
This aggression will not stand, man. The Dude is just a guy. His rug really tied the room together. Now there's no rug, and his life is a mess. Was his life a mess before? I'd say yes, and so would you. But it was his life, and he organized it brilliantly. He's lying on his back, on top of his rug, smiling blissfully while listening to the crystal clear sound of bowling balls striking the pins. Everytime that beautiful sound comes through, the perfect strike, his lips twitch...
For the sake of argument, let's say that everyone is born equal. For the sake of argument, let's say that America provides everyone an opportunity to succeed. For the sake of argument, let's say that we have free-will. For the sake of argument, let's say that everyone has a code of ethics, and everyone lives according to his/her ability to follow his/her own code. For the sake of argument, let's say that everyone's code of ethics occasionally differs from the general, societal cod...
When it comes to stating our political beliefs these days, we play loosely and aggressively with our declarations. We're the Phil Helmuths and Scotty Nyugens rather than the Howard Lederers and the Johnie Chans of ideologies. This last round, we Democrats have stolen a favorite tactic of the ghost of Republican Past: the label tactic. Painting GW Bush as anything from cokehead frat boy to a certain fascist regime dictator seemed like a healthy pastime; moreover, it served to whip our...
I've read your articles regularly as you post them. I think in general, it's fair to say I disagree, on a political level, with your opinions almost unilaterally. Nevertheless, Draginol is completely correct, concerning his recent article, "My problem with the American Left". 1)There's no two ways about it: Democrats are embarrassed that GWB was re-elected. 2)We cannot believe that a majority of the country supports the direction our nation is headed. 3)I apologize. We're just blo...
Are you trying to sell conservatism? I found this link on your site: http://www.gnaa.us/ Give me a break.
Do you work for the government? Ever worked for an agency with the name _____ _____ Services ? First: I'm sorry. I know you never expected things to work out that way ("Okay, Billy: now it's your turn to tell everyone what you want to be when you grow up." "Yes, Mrs. Hoover. I want to be a Services Coordinator!") Second: Let's say you're at a meeting on Wednesday morning, drinking coffee from a Stop-N-Go , trying not to shove your watch directly into your eye socket. Let's say yo...