There was a tangent from Little-Whip's post, "Would You Join This Church?" that I'd like to rescue: the process of identification. Little-Whip wrote, As much as many hate to admit it, there's ahuge difference between the attitudes (and I'm speaking in generalterms here, the rule proves the exceptions) of American born blacks andothers who share their skin tone. England had slaves too, yet speak toa British Black man and he'll identify himself as a Brit, not an'African-British whatever.' ...
I was perusing the papers this morning while riding the T to the Commons . . . Reverend Wright . . . the Pentagon Message Machine . . . Bush 1.2 requesting another what-is-it-this-time $200 billion for let's-see-if-this-works Iraq strategery . . . Suddenly I was overwhelmed by nostalgia. I don't know where the wistful longing came from, but I missed the conservative Joe User blog-bumpers I used to read with dismay in years past. Squashed into my subway seat between one stinky...
G.O.P. Government of the People, yes. The people have chosen, and even if we choose to view the results of the recent election as close, we have an undisputedly elected President. This one was no nail-biter, either, as much as I may have destroyed my own nails in my anxiety. As the Ohio tally margin gradually shrank, and then grew, and finally stablized, I realized I had expected some fraud, some conspiracy clogging the infernal machines to surface, and once again I could convince mysel...