Inspired by an artice by Mr. Frog: A lottery ticket costs $1 . . . though I don't know much about the multiplier thingie . . . do you need to go multiplier to win the big jackpot? All right, going with the $1 figure, :et's say that your odds are 1:187,000,000 and the jackpot is $300,000,000: 1) Without any other factors, you're getting about 1.6 to 1 pot odds for every ticket you buy; 2) However, if you take the cash option, how much do you get? A little over half, say $187,000...
Regular Users of Joe like myself probably found themselves somewhat shocked when the new, revitalized forum layout arrived the other day. I spent about an hour fiddling with the buttons and switches, locating forum threads, and trying to determine who mudflap was, the lucky SOB. Maybe one or two months into my term here at JoeUser, it occurred to me that this site is FREE. While there are many free blog sites out there, most require the purchase of upgrades to create an adequate venue. S...
Myrrander: I just wanted to revisit your "Beer/Religion" article, telling you how much I liked it. We are re-tooling our website, and would love to feature your article in our Humor section. You would be given space to detail whatever credit you wish to receive, plug any information or site that you wish. Thanks again, TBT
I call this a failure on my part: an inability to scrounge up the authoritative rule book for blogging, or internet reporting, or journalism in general, or.... Okay, here are the questions: 1)Public Domain: Is there an official rule book? 2)If I want to post an article on my own website, and my source is a news article (presumably copyrighted), how do I document the source, and where? 3)On my website, may I link to an article on another website without express written consent? If yes, w...
Our train car stumbled through an awkward bend, jerking me from my feverish, travel-bowel dreamings. While I drowsed, John scribbled gadget sketches into a soggy journal and munched old roasted chestnuts from a paper cone. Now the Spanish morning poured through the window curtains, so we checked our watches, both of us, and made ourselves ready for Bilbao. For four weeks we had hitchhiked and trained north through Portugal, enjoying brilliant hospitality and cheap lodgings wherever we we...