Taboo's Junk Trunk: A Storage Dump for Taboo's Random Literary and Cultural Blatherments
Thank You
Published on February 9, 2005 By TaBoo Tenente In Blogging
Regular Users of Joe like myself probably found themselves somewhat shocked when the new, revitalized forum layout arrived the other day. I spent about an hour fiddling with the buttons and switches, locating forum threads, and trying to determine who mudflap was, the lucky SOB.

Maybe one or two months into my term here at JoeUser, it occurred to me that this site is FREE. While there are many free blog sites out there, most require the purchase of upgrades to create an adequate venue. Some use pop-ups, some commandeer large sections of your space for advertisements, and nearly all crash and burn regularly throughout the day.

Beyond these fundamental issues is the fact that JoeUser provides a very aesthetically pleasing, simple format that encourages everyone to participate. Those of you who have attempted to set up shop on other sites probably know how anti-social and competitive they can be. While JoeUser does provide a point system (which contains intricacies and labyrinths TaBoo has yet to master), the manner in which this forum is structured suggests a community.

As I was saying, a month into my stay here at JoeUser, it occurred to me that the site is free, and I wanted to post a thank you. I was a newbie at the time, and had not found my niche. After completing an article, I decided to write a "thank you" to the creators and providers of JoeUser. But this article I wrote received a steady stream of comments--the first of my articles to do so--and I became caught up in the point game. I was sidetracked.

Now, as I am watching the revamping process of the forum, it once again occurs to me that this site is free. I find it amazing that so much effort has been put into the maintennance of a free service. Not only that, but the creators are fellow posters and participators here, and are readily and constantly available to hear suggestions and comments. I have no doubt that listening to a bunch of moochers whine (me included) about bugs in the system (even though it is free) gets quickly tiresome.

Anyway, I just wanted to voice my thanks. Everyone who has contributed endless hours to making this site work: thank you. The interaction you provide here is infinitely more useful, competent, and available than it is at any premium site I have used. And now you continue spend your hours making improvements and listening to our concerns about the improvements . . . .

Yeah, I guess that sums it up for me. Thank you guys. Keep up the good work.


on Feb 09, 2005
Hi ya, fellow moocher , it's not so much whining as it is letting the administrators know where there are kinks in the system. Nice article btw.
on Feb 09, 2005
very true serenity. it's funny: i tried to put together a site on, where the basic service is free but every attempt to produce a unique blog costs money. not only does the site crash on a regular basis, but the support is slow and unsure. on that site, everyone who "makes suggestions" tends to reveal frustration everytime a comment is made.

joeuser is such a supporting environment as far as user concerns go, that it seems to me that whenever we basic users have an issue, we feel that some respect should be shown.

it's part of the overall community that i find very pleasant here. and while my political views often conflict with the average user here (not to mention the creators of joeuser) i still feel part of the community.

that sort of thing should be recognized, i think.
