You had to ruin it for me! I use to love Chorizo, but I may think twice before eating it next time.
Well, I dont get it from the supermarket, but from the Latin Markets here in town, and from the Butcher where my In Laws Live, so I guess it is not americanized!
Dont worry, I have eaten worse. I dont ask what is in something until after I decide whether I like it or not. Then I really dont care (unless it is hazardous to your health!)
nah! I love the casing! besides I dont know what is in it, I just know I like it. And I really dont care what is in it as I will continue to eat it (Unless it contains VIOXX;)
Hell yes I would. If i knew that the only way to provide a semblance of a life for my family was to go to the US and work, albeit illegally...and if I also knew that the US would give me blanket immunity to deprtation, and would let me become a legal resident....well, I'd be stupid not to do it, wouldn't I?
But it's not always that easy. Not everyone has the resources to do it legally. If people had the money to pay all the fees, then I'm sure that they would. But, they don't. You have to understand that the minimum american wage is a huge amount to some of these people.
if you live in el salvador and have no money it takes a couple days riding on the roof of a freight car to get to the border (assuming you dont get brained by the robbers who prey on those goin north or tossed off by law enforcement in honduras or mexico). then you just need to convince the guys at the bridge to let you in. no problem.