Taboo's Junk Trunk: A Storage Dump for Taboo's Random Literary and Cultural Blatherments
Another Old Leather Boot: Where's the Fish?
Published on November 24, 2004 By TaBooTenente In Humor
Once, I typed "Humor". Results= useless.
Another time, I tried "Political Satire. Results= 1 of 20, maybe. Then I became bored of clicking "next".

The "good stuff" sites must be out there. I believe it. I do. But at the moment my total link inventory is simply:

Link, or the Onion. And the Onion is a hardcopy paper I grew up with as an irreverent kid living in Madison, Wisconsin. The web site was excellent for a while. Now it's only very good. Still, I recommend it.

But there must be meatier fish; or, at least, there must be other fish out there, somewhere in the internet sea. Maybe we can get a list going here, so I don't have to spend my free time whining in the political forums. What's everyone got?



on Nov 24, 2004
Someone must have the goods